Kategorie: Puzzles

A one-touch basketball arcade game with an endless gameplay. Unlock all balls, earn crystals to open extra courts and enjoy Street Ball Jam!
Drive dangerously fast on a highway in traffic, overtake every vehicle, earn cash and buy better cars! Try not to crash at the highest speed. Time to start your engine!
The aim of the game is to match three or more identical sushi pieces in order to reach the target of each level, before the time runs out. Time Stopping hourglasses, bombs and joll [...]
Enjoy this coloroued mahjong game with sweety symbols!
Tap the ball and follow the color pattern on each obstacle to cross it! Be careful not to pass through the wrong color, or you’ll have to start again.
If you like art here's a puzzle game for you. Move the pieces to recreate some super famous paintings made by old masters (those are a bit enhanced with a strange humour). Train yo [...]
Tap the Frog Doodle features hours of gameplay, diverse mini-games filled with light-hearted humor and achievements to keep you coming back for more. Easy to pick-up yet challengin [...]
Do you have what it takes to help the Frog jump, paint and spacewalk the way to his sweetheart? Join the Frog as he embarks on an adventure that will take him from the lily pads of [...]
Target Tap Deluxe: As the circle rotates, you aim to hit the target.
This box of sweets contains precious jewel candies! Match and combine them to craft exploding ones! It can help you crush through blocks standing in your way. The classic turn base [...]
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